
If you want to raise this point publicly (risky and won't change anything), consider framing it in a more palatable way, like: 

" Evidence shows that the female intersexual strategy, if not restrained through social nudges and/or woman's individual moral agency, is directly harmful to individuals (most men) and societies. It also indirectly harms women in the long run by stimulating the rise of violent misogyny and right-wing authoritarianism. The public is only partially aware of this; most people can identify Chads (20%), Nice Guys (50%) and Incels (30%), most people know that looks and money play an important role, but most don't grasp the depth of the problem: that according to research, male personality's role is literally negligible, that attraction to Chads doesn't ensure good genes for children, that various degrees of hybristophilia are shockingly common in women, and that they are hardwired to perceive men as a disposable sex. We can still, however, bring the best in us and achieve harmony by re-establishing the assortative monogamous social contract… "

…which won't happen. And even if we could solve the contemporary problem of female chauvinism, would you accept all the risks of marriage/fatherhood and feel genuinely fulfilled with someone who fundamentally loves in such an opportunistic way - first for what, and later for who you are? Feminism, rather than spoiling the good nature of women, showed us the uncomfortable truth about the selective nature of female sexual strategy and its consequences. Enjoy the decline. 

PS. I think that we should be thankful for Scott's great deal of diverse and valuable intellectual work rather than call him a cuck. While his polysplaining and staying relatively silent on many intersexual dynamics remains a great mystery, he's an unmarried, asexual, mostly jealousy-free person dating in the Bay Area, so he doesn't match the typical characteristics of a cuck (a submissive straight man humiliating himself in order to get the crumbs of attention and transactional sex from his insatiable wife). UBI is still our best solution for automation - large corporations will be taxed first, and $1k monthly might be life-saving for millions of NEETs.