> it'd be available only in the one distribution channel
Existential risk here we go
>  nearly Williams Syndrome cooperatebottery
If you're modelling it after Williams syndrome you'll get people irrationally trusting and helping whoever they're close to this moment, not people acting eusocially for the common good
> and the people stupid enough to want those are not going to go to the last pages of the catalog anyway, kekekekek
Won't work that way, you do know people talk to each other right?
> largely sufficient to prevent every social problem that already exists
Only because you assume it's both possible to solve those problems with genetics and keep it that way - evolution will still exist
> by the time we can engineer the retrovirus we WILL HAVE IT kekekeke
We're experimenting with spreading infertility through mosquitoes right now
>  > inb4 "but but the genehacking clinics errywhere won't happen in countries that are shithole-poor malthusian hellscapes": yes, that's a problem solved.
Why even bother with the ""maximal choice"" pretense?
> besides "we can't do it yet"
That's a big fucking flaw, especially if you remove the "yet"

Your plan is both morally abhorrent and badly thought out