
This means that females reproduce by default, because unless a women is truly hideous, there isn't a red blooded male who isn't going to take one quick minute to impregnate the bitch. By contrast, males are divided into two very distinct groups. The 99% betas are destined to forever struggle for reproduction, perhaps raping one of the alpha's bitches while his back is turned, or lucking out and capturing a nice war bride after a successful battle with those bastards from accross the river (her husband was killed in the figthing, not that she will mind in a year or two). Meanwhile the 1% alphas get to impregnate all the women, which makes them sexier, which continues the fucking cycle, literally. In the world of sex, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Now this is the tricky part. A lot of men who get this far think that the answer is to teach everybody "game" and that as long as we can all be masterful PUAs, we can keep our bitches in line. This doesn't work because hypergamy is RELATIVE. It doesn't fucking MATTER how rich you are in absolute terms, if you own your own house and car while a middle age peasant barely owned his shit-stained underwear. All that matters to bitches is wether there are any men around who have it even better than you, in which case the cycle begins anew. That's why no matter how rich we become, we keep working just as hard in 40 hour jobs and 10 hour commutes; because we are not REALLY working for shit like food or electronics, which are cheap, but for bitches and status, which are zero-sum. They will always be scarce and we will always have to compete for them.

An important corollary to this is that females simply don't have the capacity to really fall in love. They just gina tingle. The moment you lose your job or otherwise get kicked out of your station in life, you can kiss the girl of your dreams goodbye. She didn't fall in love with you; she fell in love with what you had. It made her excited, and when the excitement is gone and she is unhaaaaaapy, she will just leave, taking your kids, half your stuff, alimony, child support, and your will to live. Then she finds some other high-status guy to get hitched to and thus continues the great fucking circle of life. In the old days, when marriage was actually meant to last forever and a divorce meant social suicide, female hypergamy was kept in check. They might still cheat and cuckold their hard-working beta boyfriends behind their backs with an alpha baby, but at least they had to hide it and fear getting caught. Not anymore. Everytime you talk to a non-virgin single whore as she were a fucking human being, and every time you don't kick loose sluts with a litter of bastards out of your neighborhood, you are hastening the collapse of civilization. Good going, anons.