> Bad post. It appears you've identified a random article which doesn't advocate the overthrow of the evil capitalist system, and criticized it for not doing so.
I love capitalism in idea, just not the regulated braindead controlled capitalism "lemme get a monopoly, then lawyer up to keep the monster alive, say no to unions, lobby that shit murrica style" TM that cucks suck up to. I'm the kind of guy that says real capitalism has never been tried.
>  A major point of his essay is that even if you believe "rich people bad, working class good", criticizing philanthropy is a harmful way to show off your wokeness.
I believe "rich people bad, I good", harmful for whom ?
> Dunno, but what could be worse is knowing that that same money is instead going towards bombing similar third-world populations or whatever other retarded shit Our Democracy dreams up next.
I actually don't care as long as it doesn't help people I don't care about.

I'm tired of being fucked in the ass so children can not starve or whatever.