Mostly 2d. I don't think I have a favorite tag. Depends on whichever character I'm obsessing over at the time. Monstergirl/furry is fine, but not exclusively. My interests vary considerably. Although, the scenes I conjure up in my own theater of the mind tend toward certain common fetishistic themes, if not characters.

Fetishes have existed since the dawn of humanity. It is what it is and always has been, a part of humanity.

Depends on the age of the consumer. The young tend to like others young, no surprise. An oldfag with an obsession for it is highly suspect. Like everything else the Japanese get their hands on it can be pushed into a humorously bizarre story line everyone can enjoy. "She has the body of an 11 year old, but she is actually a 13 million year ancient succubus. And she's on the rag for the first time ever? LOOK OUT!" Etc.
Lolicon does nothing for me though. I like my characters with adult personalities and curvature.

> Tag fags?

Tag based systems for searching something/someone specific on a booru? sure.
> Do you all masturbate to 2d pics?

Not all as seen in thread. With a strong imagination what else does one need but slight prompting?
> pornhub
