Yeah it's pretty weird OP. Girls were jerks to me all through my childhood years through high school calling me ugly, making fun of me and not wanting anything to do with me. I ended up becoming an incel but then I transitioned in my 20's and suddenly women started being nice to me, starting and engaging in conversations with me, smiling at me, giving compliments and even wanting to be friends.

I ended up going on lots of dates with women after I made a Tinder, got hundreds of matches exclusively with women, lost my virginity, and now I have a girlfriend. I never dreamed that such a thing could be possible for me back when I was living as a man. You hear guys complain all the time about tumbleweeds being the only matches they get on Tinder so I was shocked to be a MTF getting hundreds of matches with cis women.

To this day I remain skeptical that women are sexually attracted to men. I think it is a complete lie we've all been tricked into believing and MTFs are the small portion of the population who took the red pill and woke up to the reality that being a man sucks ass and everyone hates you if you look like one, even the gender that is 'supposed' to like men.

I feel sorry for the incels who are going to stay incels instead of transitioning and becoming desireable to women as a result. Women are the more desireable gender to men and women alike. Men are just chopped liver by comparison