incels can learn a lot by dabbling in trannychasing. just being able to experience what dating feels like with different power dynamics is a revelation. yeah, you still have to meet a minimal standard even if you're looking at people with fewer options, but that teaches you what the standards ARE. it teaches you which aspects of dating are things you actually need to be doing to be attractive or a decent person, and which aspects are BS that the pussy cartel tries to upsell you on. it's also good for becoming comfortable with imperfection, and realizing that other people have it worse than you.

sure if you're a dumbass you might rush into things with some desperate crazy trap, but it's easy to avoid that if you have any standards whatsoever or any ability to judge character. the bottom line is, trans women are WAY more openminded and less conventional (except for the ones who are overcompensating), and they place appropriate value on "making it work" with someone who they have something positive with, rather than constantly putting their partners on trial.