>   >>/67204/
>  Are you reporting again, fuckward?
Say it to my face and I'll kill you, faggot pro-women's rights piece of shit.
>  Most of the Russians don't give a fuck about your retarted Linux and its soy cuckold developers. Get lost.
Ah, it's now "the russians" and not "us russkies". Strange. Looks like you slipped up.
>  Also, you'll never get a young girl as a wife. Even if it was legal, the youngest girl still would have enough mind to understand, that you are nothing more than a pathetic wanker. 
I'm a licensed attorney. Say it to my face dipshit. I will kill you. Pathetic or not: I will torture you and then kill you.

Show us your code, btw, faggot. Got none?

> Get married to your right hand and never come back to /rus/.
I will do as I wish, fellow american glow-agent. You think you can fool me?
Secondly I am enjoying this WW3: since you pro-women's rights believer will die.

> and never come back to /rus/.
This is more my website than it is yours; I was here first.

How about you go back to the /g/ you took over and ruined?
I have decided I will torture and kill you when I meet you. Fellow westerner.

Get the fuck off my website, and off my thread.