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>   >>/67444/
>  >Say it to my face
>  Show me your face then. Won't be surprised if you look like the guy from this pic.
I have. You had nothing to say.
>  Probably, all little girls are running as far as they can, when see your face from mile away distance.
White people here are not allowed virgin girls. 
This is why we embrace WW3. You will die.
>  >Ah, it's now "the russians" and not "us russkies"
>  Пошел нахуй, пидор американский! Ты заебал уже тут бычить со своими шизоидеями.
Fake english—>russian translation from
>  >I'm a licensed attorney
>  Not really respected profession here in Russia.
You can't say anything, so you diss me.
What the fuck are you faggot?
You haven't posted that.
Also show your code. I show mine.
Show your fucking programming code
>  >since you pro-women's rights believer will die
>  Such people as you and lefties are both just sorts of shit for me
You are a pro-transfaggot feminist. You oppose men marrying cute young girls. You will die in this WW3.
>  >I was here first
>  Whole life on boards? Definetely, "not a loser"
What is there to win, dipshit?
What value is it for me to do anything other than program 3d and make 3d maps and models?
Tell me dipshit fuck.
Am I getting a cute young little girl child to marry?
Because whites are banned from that.
So what is winning dipshit faggot?
Tell me.

Working ? For what?
In Sumer money was invented to purchase little virgin girls as brides.
That cannot be done now.
It is not money.
>  >Obviously men should dominate cute little girls, cunt
>  How many men did dominate you, little ugly girl?
This pisses you off, faggot? The idea of dominating cute young girls?
That is what men want. Nice pretty young girls to rule over.
This offends you because you are a domesticated white faggot.
I _WILL_ kill you.
>  >I am going to torture you and then end your life.
>  Come on. You'll be beaten and peed by local hobos after you've just made a step on Russian ground.
>  Only thing you can torture is your micro dick. And I'm sure, you've tortured it so often, that it's already dead.
I'm going to torture and kill you.
Because you oppose men marrying young girls.
A right given by YHWH
< ——