> I've been programming for 20 years, dipshit fuck. We use IRC.
Little girls don't like nerds. If you've visited a gym for 20 years, you would be a king of little cunts.

> I'm going to kill you.

> You're not a russian
Не, ну реальный шиз. Ты как из палаты выбрался?

> Russians hate women, gays, and everyone else
So why should we like YOU?

> Begging for trannie-jannies to ban my IP, eh?
Agree with you this time. That dude just doesn't understand, if mod bans you, we don't have fun of you

> What colour are my eyes?
Colour of dumbass

> White people here are not allowed virgin girls.
You are just too weak to take

> Also show your code
Code "Red", code "Red" - retarted faggot in the thread!
Are you happy now?

> Am I getting a cute young little girl child to marry?
Why do you need a LITTLE girl? Afraid that you just can't handle with an adult one?
Don't worry, even a little girl would dominate you.

Is it really you?