Adolf H. is his name and the boy is comin...
Straight outta Auschwitz
Is a brotha that'll gas yo' mother
And make ya Socialist Party think I love them
Dangerous motherfucker raised in Hell
And if I ever get caught I make bail
See, I don't give a fuck, that's the problem
I see a motherfuckin' Self-Chosen, I don't dodge em
But I'm smart, lay low, call up my Gestapo
And when I see his ashes, I kinda smile
To me it's kinda funny, the attitude of a jew penny pinchin'
But don't know where the fuck he's going, just shalomin'
Lookin' for the one they call Hitler
But here's a flash, they never escape from me
Ruthless! Never seen like a nigger in the dark
And when I gas em see I'll get over the hesitation
And hear the scream of the self chosen ones who thought what they was gettin was a "shower"
Give a little gas and im'a blazin
This is the auto of the straight blazed Anne Frank
And if you ever fuck with me
You'll get taken by a kike
Word to the motherfucker, straight outta Auschwitz