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Jayne Chobot Herring dox update:

Jayne Marie Herring, Jayne Herring, Jayne Chobot Herring
5343 Ellsworth Avenue
Dallas, TX 75206
(469) 776-8932
Cell: (917) 757-9075
[email protected]

Birthdate: July 7th, 1979
Dallas Housing Development: 5300 Glencoe Park
Dallas Neighborhood: Lower Greenville (a.k.a. M Streets)
Mother’s maiden name: Negley
Current school: Southern Methodist University ("international studies")
Hometown (birthplace?): Reading, PA


About Me:
Google Plus: JayneChobotHerring">

Previous emails:
[email protected]
[email protected] (also previous screenname dagnyny4)

Primary updates revolve around her ex-husband's death (largely fueled by her psychological torture and financial threats), and her new efforts to terrorize people in her new neighborhood, although her extramarital affairs do continue.

Jayne Herring's plans to be rid of her ex and replace him with her rich second husband were known to her own estranged family, as she was bold enough to tell her grandfather years ago that her second husband would eventually adopt her older daughter, meaning she planned on either bullying her ex into suicide or bankrupting him into giving up legal custody.

Considering the fact that Jayne's living siblings report that the entire family was in therapy when she and her three younger siblings were kids because she ticked almost all of the boxes on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist from childhood, they took her seriously.

The Chobot family's falling out with her is detailed in the original post, but the short version is that Jayne's dying youngest brother didn't want to see her on his deathbed, and she used this as an excuse to cut off her family entirely, lest her new wealthy circle discover that her family aren't actually the abusive monsters she pretends they are in order to claim PTSD and get sympathy from everyone. She recently co-chaired the organizing committee for her high school reunion and went around taking great delight in telling everyone, "We ex-communicated them."

After YEARS of Jayne's repeated threats to bankrupt her ex financially and severely limit his time with his daughter (detailed in the original post), he died of a heroin overdose last year despite having been clean for 16 years before that. She wins the PR war because of the stigma attached to his old addiction, even though he hadn't used in close to two decades at the time of his death.

She called his death a blessing on Facebook, and said that despite his lifelong mental illness (much of which resulted from a brain tumor), it was his own fault.

Jayne has since publicly posted the claim that she "left an abusive situation with a baby," despite the fact that there is time-stamped evidence on both her ex's old blog and Facebook page that he was the one who left with the baby, and that he and his mother were her primary caregivers for the first year of her life (her second daughter was similarly turned over to be raised by nannies the minute she turned six weeks old, despite the fact that Jayne had no full-time work and was not taking any classes at the time because she had married a very rich man).

Jayne's ex left and took their baby with him after years of her infidelity because finally, one night, Jayne came home so intoxicated and high on coke that she tried to get into the wrong apartment and the neighbors had to help her home. He was the abused party in that marriage, and as further evidence of his pattern of abusive relationships, he has a self-published memoir detailing that his previous wife was abusive to him as well.