Jayne Herring Part 2

Jayne continued to demand back support from her ex because she was the on-paper custodial parent despite not seeing her daughter for months at a time, and always having had access to more funds than he did, either through employment or sugar daddies. Sometimes these ran together, as her work as an executive liaison for the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) led her to meet and go home with many a rich attorney or real estate heir, once actually losing her wedding rings and quickly replacing them herself before her husband found out. Her co-workers, many of whom liked her husband, were mortified. She eventually married one of the sugar daddies:

Myron Garfield "Gar" Herring III
The MGHerring Group
5710 LBJ Freeway Suite 450
Dallas, Texas 75240
(972) 448-0200
[email protected]

Jayne also often wins the PR war because her latest "Dallas charity circuit" move has had to do with mental illness and suicide prevention, proclaiming herself brave for going public with her own struggles with mental illness (though leaving out the severe anorexia that has clearly ravaged her body and likely caused three miscarriages) despite the fact that her ex-husband's same struggles were apparently unforgivable.

Fashion Stars for a Cause 2018: https://youtube.com/watch?v=RRgszwvCGGw [Embed]

Her posthumous sliming of his reputation because he self-medicated is even more hypocritical when you know that she has admitted to taking as many as three Xanax a day for an extended period of time, which is WAY THE FUCK MORE than any responsible doctor would recommend, and a quick scan of her social media is all it would take to see that she's regularly washing them down with lots of wine, as if that's never killed the American housewife. https://www.facebook.com/JaynieMarie7/posts/10159972416665433

Take it from me: this happens in Beverly Hills, in Manhattan, in Telluride, in Sun Valley, in Palm Beach County, in Dallas - rich people can find a psychiatrist who is basically running a pill mill and get whatever meds they want. Consistent double standard.

I'm not the same guy who posted the original message about her that was floating around a few years ago before she had her second daughter, but I do know that at one point (definitely after she was remarried) she was fucking Lee Trull, a playwright/producer associated with the Dallas Theater Center who eventually got fired from everything for rubbing his cock on all the actresses.

She knew, but it's obviously not uncommon to cover up for somebody when you both have dirt on each other - she probably told him that cock-and-bull story she made up about having been raped at Disney World when she was in college, and he probably knows it isn't true because he Googled her. She's not stupid and she did some Facebook damage control after he got caught: https://www.facebook.com/JaynieMarie7/posts/10159606857475433

Other than fucking around with married men as usual - during her first marriage, she almost ruined her reputation in New York by sleeping with the husband of a powerful female Versace executive who did her the favor of keeping it quiet, particularly because they had sex in front of his (hopefully) sleeping child - she has now decided to declare herself the moral arbiter of all of the mothers of the children who attend her child's elementary school.

This school got caught up in the national trend of changing the names of institutions that honored Confederate soldiers, and while this by itself would be innocent enough, she started fighting with the other mothers who ALSO AGREED WITH THE NAME CHANGE, calling them racist for not parroting her exact reasoning and for attempting to kindly debate with her over what the new name should be. She did this despite being new to the community, attacking mothers who had previously sat on the PTA and organized fundraisers for the school.