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This proves that Germans were always inhuman savages. The media is trying to make us believe that only Nazis during the WWII were behaving like inhuman savages and that regular Germans were good people, but that is not true. Germans were not like that ONLY during WWII, but (as this quote proves) they have been like that long before the invention of Nazism. This is a page from a book about Napoleonic Wars for example. Therefore all Germans are evil inhuman savages, not only nazis.

>  "The units sent along both sides were burning villages and chateaus as far as the enemy (who was still on our track) allowed us.", continued in his memories Dedem. He also mentioned the fate of Russian POWs, that were forced to march alongside the Great Army and it was much more gruesome picture that painted by Tolstoy in his book War and Peace. "They were guarded by units of the Confederation of the Rhine (Germans). They were given only a tiny bit of horse meat and the soldiers that were meant to guard them were massacring those who didn't have enough strength in them to continue. We have seen their bodies lying alongside of the road and they all had crushed skulls." According to Lebaum there were at least 3000 of these POWs. "During the march they were not given any food, during the pauses they were treated as animals and they forbidden to leave a small marked area. They were dying by cold without fire, they were sleeping on ice and they had such a desperate hunger that they threw themselves at any horse meat they were given. There was no time to cook, so they had to eat it raw..."