Basically the minds behind the modern day neo-nazi propaganda know that they can't succeed unless they are able to deny or justify Hitler's actions regarding slaughtering millions of Europeans.

Why do neo-nazis present themselves as defenders of interests of all people of European heritage, when in reality they always shill exclusively for German interests? At least have a little bit of honesty and admit what your true agenda is: You tirelessly work towards promoting German interests (not European).

On one hand you deny any war-crimes committed by the German troops towards the Slavic civilian population, but on the other hand you furiously masturbate while thinking about Slavic women and children being bayoneted to death by Dirlewanger and other SS-men. It must really suck that your task of spreading Nazi propaganda doesn't even allow you to express the hatred you feel towards Slavs fully. I would not want to live a life like you, life without honesty and honor, desperately trying to suppress your hatred, just to serve as a good cog in a propaganda machine of long dead movement.

How is it even possible that Germans had no problem to slaughter all these beautiful women as if they would be slaughtering pigs? Because Germans hate beauty. They want to wipe out all the beautiful Slavic women and repopulate the world with hideous Germanic women. Just so you know what is going to happen if Germans win the upcoming race war.

This will never stop. They will never accept the right of Slavic nations to exist. The only way to secure the future of Slavic children is to eliminate the Germanic threat completely.