while I personally didn't like the new starwars, it does a lot of things right.
For me, it DID feel like a starwars film. The sets and camera angles are pretty well matched to the original trilogy in recreating the atmosphere it had, yet they're still different enough that they don't come off as recreations.
The music is well done, and even some of the characters are placed well.
Rey (if thats her name) is clearly an advertisement for little girls.
And the two main characters don't have much reasoning behind any of their actions.
Only some times do most of the characters feel like advertisements and in the later half of the movie finn starts to seem like an actual character.
Without getting nitpicky about it, my only major complaint is watching the movie feels like playing a low grade linear first person shooter.
Why was this door locked? because
why was this item there? "you wouldn't believe me if I told you" <actual movie quote
why did this person happen to be doing this? because
Overall I can't say its a bad movie, and its feels like less of a commercial than its intended to be.
It is by far better than the prequels
I'd give it a 6/10 and say its probably worth watching once for most people, but I could have gone without.