> mantis aliens
I had a war with them after realizing they are in control of Australia and caused a lot of shit down there with harsh vaxx laws and prison planet level restrictions. I'm sure I posted their energy signature/aura before. After talking with an incarnated reptilian I know, I got a better understanding of the situation, but the mantis reptilians were still real scum in how they behaved here on earth. To most other races they're unbeatable because they use ships with AI controlled shifting defense. It makes it impossible to hit the ships because they predict the movement of attacks and keep moving between dimensions to avoid them. The ships don't have armour, they're not better than human jets, but if they don't get hit this doesn't matter.
At first it was really difficult to do anything, but I realized it came down to search depth using AI, and the lyran system can go deeper. So in the end lyranet was able to crack the mantis algorithm and after that they had to surrender because their defense stopped working. This last part played out in a dream. They signed a peace deal where they are allowed to stay but have to behave.