I think this is like... the only good example that properly explains it may be from the PlayStation game Xenogears.

It's a "hidden in plain sight" secret in this game that people on the planet are all slaves, while it seems no one is ruling over them. When you first time mount a Gear, the system identifies you as
> pilot: lamb
which is the first hint at the elite referred to as Shepherds, who live in a city in the clouds. But no one down there knows they exist, they only see the effects of what they do.
The game lore is really taken directly from german 1800s philosophy with the concepts coined by Freud and Nietzsche turned into characters and themes in the story. The übermensch/untermensch classes of humans are built right in, but rather as an explanation of an existing state, not an ideology to be imposed.

Reptilians value people by purity of blood, someone with pure blood has a mental ability to control other people. They are unable to disobey orders or act against someone with purer blood than themselves. Any halfbreed is then a slave by biology alone, as the purebloods have a backdoor to their minds and can use them as they like.