Physical immortality

There's been a lot of talk about physical vs spiritual immortality in these threads. It's all a bit mystical and it seems most occultists who say they are physically immortal still die, and it seems they lied. I'll try to lay out my thoughts on why this is and what the term means.

Spiritual immortality means that your soul is immortal. It does not mean the same as "your immortal soul" in christianity, where they only refer to the fact that your awareness remains after death. Just being aware isn't really to be alive, I'd say. Infernal dimensions of the kind used to scare people hardly count as places where anyone "lives". If you have an immortal soul for real, you will "live" no matter what dimension you are in, you will be a normal person with feelings and thoughs, not some hell beast or deformed ghost. This is the main difference. Having this standard already makes it possible to break normal rules while in the physical world. One such possibility is to live longer. But this means being able to remain in the world as it changes, if you stop moving with the times, or fail to control your surroundings so that they accept you as you are, you will still be pushed out to the astral. By creating a strong egregore, a cult or coven, a secret society, it's possible to remain by preserving your original living conditions. If you fail to maintain tradition, then all members will "die" or disappear from the physical.