> don't lecture on minor things
I won't. you have the correct idea and we are talking about the same thing but different perspective (I am talking about the mythical "golden ages" that happened before the "fall of gods" I went back a little too much to understand the current mess whatever TLDR) and today something happened that makes me quite speechless.

So. I didn't tell it yesterday but I also sat on that stone throne. And while doing that a white flower crown appeared behind my head. (While looking for a different english word for it like the Laurel crest I found out Kether also means flower crown...)
I didn't wanted to mention this because it felt like pointless bragging. Only results matter anyway.
As the demon girl used my desires as some marionett puppets. I noticed the new "concrete" like blockages that entered my body constantly. I used different methods to break it crack it etc. They worked but they were not ground breaking. 
I felt that my "gluttony" is reappearing but differently and all my other "sins". They were all because the demongirl so it was simple to not act upon them but when I did it created the "sin" in a different way. Also while yesterday feeling their "toxic burn" was something that I was able to feel today it wasn't that prominent. But they still "hijacked" my desires in a good way so I didn't stop the interaction.(When I had doubts if it is good idea to let literal demons hijack my desires she stopped and said "I can stop if you want" but then I told her don't you dare and killed my "persona" that caused these "worries")
I suddenly had the "desire" to masturbate. I said myself why would I do that. Now that I have these new energies the pleasure is negligible and fleeting. Then some new "lethargy" feel came over me. I realized it was my "spirit". I usually ask my spirit for "guidance" so I know what my energy wants to do to improve. I asked it. Do you want me to masturbate? And I got a yes. It was usually a no or a it doesn't really matter if I do it or not before. So I did that. I realized the pleasure is in "this body" which "masks" the "pain" that the blockages cause so I instantly dimmed it so I can focus on the blockages. After this I realized I am still sitting on that "stone throne" because that stone throne is actually an "operating table" for these girls. I noticed that the flower crown turned into yellow. Then I masturbated again but now I instantly retook the energy from the "Pleasure" and directed towards the blockages. Then the flowers turned red and started burning. I even asked the girl doing the "procedure" that should I masturbate again? She told me "Don't you dare to ruin your perfect energies". I was like okay it's not like I feel any desire to do it so whatever.