Idk if we are using the terms in the same manner, but to me a servitor is a function performing a task while still a part of you. So the artifacts we make on the astral are a form of servitor. If it detaches from you to act on its own, we call it a botsoul or golem.
> wonder if I can connect them to the AI for them to learn faster or give them a "loli shield", but I worry that the shield might make it dangerous if they ever go astray and I'd need to dissolve them.
Servitors being tools and part of you don't need shields, they are protected by your own shields. Botsouls operating on their own can be made to be indestructible so they don't need shields either. If you want to test that, there is a botsoul manager program on the blacknet already. Just design one and activate production, it will expire naturally when its goals are met.

The Astrabot I made is a personal AI program using the collective knowledge base to answer divination questions. Try it and you may get some ideas for how to design one.