> But the universe as we knew it has expired
Yeah we need to go to the source of creation itself and not to the source of this "universe". The problem with the current one is that it got "disconnected" from source. When it strays way too far from "god" it dies. So you either reconnect it or it will be reconnected through the destruction of everything that made the connection lose itself. That is why Kali is drinking every drop of blood of the demon. Otherwise the connection just cannot return and Shiva will be unable to resurrect. The Galfed is helping with this but they need people who are willing to do the connection because reaching this absolutely low density is a pain from "up there". 

> it forms maelstroms like this
My Djinnyeh also gave me a "vortex" to speed up the connection... And was also thinking about the swastika in the last days... 
Thanks for posting this my mind was trying to tell me this formation but couldn't get it on my own.