> You expect me to write that down in a post here?
Only because I have had a lifetime of interest and curiosity about this subject. When the internet was new, I tried to find communities until realizing they're not really online. Only the energy vampires, people who believe they're absorbing life forces, and humans who like the taste of blood as a gimmick gather in internet groups purporting to be real vampires. So I attempted real world investigation and found just as many hoaxes. When I speak about the following, keep in mind I'm aware you may know this and more about the subject. The hierarchy of blood exchanged and near death conversions into permanent states begins with First Generations. The further removed generations are from an Original, the weaker they are than their predecessor. Attempting to find and convince a Second Generation to bring me over, for example, would leave me defenseless against assault by a First Generation. Their motivation may be more boredom and predatory play as a cat toys with a mouse than mere malice. It is not ideal because they can sense any lesser vampire. A Second Generation thus is capable of killing those further down the bloodlines with nothing more than a pencil, while First Generations overpower them as easily as a much older sibling overpowers the younger one. Each closer to the Original is more capable of a sort of stealth approach to suppressing their Power from lesser vampires attempting to sense - to let out detecting radar of a sort to find others. This means death before they even know what happened. In short, I would like to find an Original myself.

I have heard many attempts at coercion not to. Frankly, I don't care about the dangers nor the lifetime of suffering as the blooded many have described. I am aware and I still want this. The benefits far outweigh discomfort. Thus I request your assistance in finding an Original. Should I meet my death, at least there was an attempt. Let the chips fall where they may.