It's far more dumb than that. The story of Jesus is a story HOW TO NOT FUCK SHIT UP. Jesus figured out how love is important. But couldn't figure out the rest. Jews don't know love they need all their "energy conversion trick" so they can maintain "authority". They have a great king once in a while and that is all.
Now about Jesus. He was not just in israel HE WAS IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE. Now why this is important. As Jesus "did his thing" Every rabbi hated him because he was "overtaking the israel egregore" and jews hated him for this by instinct. Jesus was also retarded for not noticing this and "trying to save those rabbis" by explaining the missing pieces of the scripture like he did while he was still a kid. The shit Moses did was genius. (Had some minor missing pieces but really a great story universal mechanics wise.) He went to the common man. That is a big HOSTILE REACTION from everyone under that egregore which is losing it's "foundation". Jesus did 1 more mistake. Making a "prophecy" that Judas will betray him. He was losing him to the power of the egregore but couldn't figure out what to do. He just accepted it. Big bad thing from universal perspective. Now Judas had also a chance to "betray" the prophecy of Jesus. BY BETRAYING HIS PROPHECY and becoming the "equal" of Jesus. Real hard realization when you are under the influence of a powerful being that feeds you his "body and blood" tbh. Now about Peter. Jesus told him he will "defy him". He told him I WILL NOT. Then he did. Why was this important and how did this make Peter the first pope. Peter DEFIED 2 GIANT EGREGORES. Then became the "vessel" of Jesus. With this the Roman empire started it's decline and had no choice but to "merge with the influence of Jesus".

And yes this is what Jesus does. If you can "reach his heights". And how to do that? Abandon all of your "desires and authority" (give all that to the church lol) then do nothing but "let Jesus into your heart". And he can "absorb you". And yes. "Merging with souls" is only doable by "fulfilling their desire" so they are "no longer different from you" because they are "fulfilled". As we advance on the path entities will ask us "what do you wish for". What are your desires. Well the Buddhist is I HAVE NO DESIRES K?
 While mine was I can make my wishes come true thank you very much and the thing I am yearning for is not in your "power" to give to me.