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> Any ideas on what to produce is welcome
Things which are rare on the astral have value, and things which are highly concentrated have value. I'll give an example from earlier:
A sandwich with many things on it. See pic related. It has meat from animals, bread made from wheat, salad, other vegetables and so on. This is very hard to make seen from the complexity of it, it can only be made in an advanced civilization where all ingredients and production methods are available.

Other example: Dulce de leche
This is milk and sugar reduced to a concentrated substance by slowly boiling it for a few hours.

Try to come up with things like this that will work on the astral, using "astral materials". If you were to refine your feeling of love or hate by meditating on it for several hours, it would form a concentrated substance. If you develop a method for creating this substance and improve it, you can probably make this a source of astral income.

I use a variety of things for this, but mostly it's a simple code of conduct/self employment contract for my island. Anyone can come there and use the area as long as they behave and take part in the energy circulation. That will always leave a 7% energy "waste" (don't ask why, it always does this) which is then absorbed by the island. It can't be called a "tax" because there is no demand in it. Rather it's like the heat produced as a side effect in chemical reactions. But it can be used. Some things are more sinister, like how the drow are hunting and slaughtering souls of sinners, then burning them to get the good materials out. This creates intense heat as a side effect, so I had it lead through shafts in the rock up to my mansion kitchen to heat the stove. It's "free energy" and my residents can use it for cooking. The things they make in the kitchen often involves different ways of rendering karma harmless so it can be eaten for energy. All of this is a kind of production of value and some of it could be sold for mineral assets to use for trade.