> why wouldn't my body change with the technique i am using?
After I realized it was possible to copy directly the mental state of a person, I of course went to try with someone who has skills I want, like Jet Li, the martial artist/actor. What I learned from this is that yes sure, I can copy his mentality, but then I have to maintain that and train for 10 years and have the same original DNA as him along with social support if I want to be like that. See what I mean? A mentality is only a tool.

Possession is when you go deeper and start reading their mind in real time, then start altering it and eventually take over. That is a much easier skill to get quick result with. Compare the most basic thing of someone trying to attack you in the street. You can train martial arts for several years and maybe still get hurt. Or you can possess the person and make them not attack you. Which is better?