I had a dream where I visited some place for social gatherings. The building was old looking and had a layout like a cross, with rooms in all directions from a middle room. It was located in some small village stretched out along a countryside road. When I entered the building I was offered whisky by a man in a suit with tails. But there were no glasses and we were told we should have brought our own glasses. I was shown a small glass kept in a wooden box with a cut out form in the middle fitting the glass. It was attached to a chain and kept in the pocket. It was implied other people may also offer drinks from bottles and that I should get a glass like that. I had a small plastic mug in my pocket so I used that instead, it looked like something medicine is served in. The guy with the whisky bottle smiled with his mouth closed and looked me in the eye while half turned away as if to imply something.

I walked into the building and found a competition where boards with 9 pictures each were mounted. The boards were spread out on tables in 2 rooms. The task was to identify the picture which indicates the correct way of receiving the holy communion.

I walked around and looked at the variety of pictures and chose one of a monk eagerly drinking from a cup with staring eyes. The boards were numbered and the pictures were numbered. I chose picture 7 of board nine.

I then woke up, and the taste of whisky was still strong in my mouth.

After this followed a dream where I was on a square shaped platform made from stone, and a fox was trying to get up on the platform. It jumped around biting the air and got hold of a piece of cloth, it tore off a long piece and pulled it until it could use it to swing up on the platform. I then woke up and found myself lying on the side, seeing my own shadow on the wall. As the fox jumped up on the platform, I saw the shadow of the fox jump up into my bed, which made me jump up to sitting and look around.