Sure. My admonitions were not for you. You are doing exactly what I recommended, which is figuring things out by oneself, because that will lead you towards fulfilling your particular needs.
What I wrote was for anyone else who might read it and wonder why ginger is giving them diarrhea, for example.
There are endless arguments online whether it's best to be vegan, to eat keto, etc, etc. Endless bickering and feeding the egregores. The answer is simple. Different people in different states will need different ways to reach the same goal of balance.

Please don't take it as me trying to tell you what to do. I'm just commenting from what I know.
I'm just saying these effects are nuanced and complex.
For example, it's interesting that you say nettle and senna will cleanse your gut and later cause constipation. These herbs do something called "clearing Heat". You probably know that Chinese medicine works with these abstract/energetic metaphors, but it makes it intuitive. "Heat" in this case, accumulates in the body either because of a sudden excess (eating a lot of spicy foods one night), or a Yin deficiency that makes your body unable to clear Yang fast enough. So these herbs are usually indicated for people with Yin deficiency. But they're not to be taken continuously, as you said, because they will cause constipation. In Chinese medicine terms, they will cause constipation because they will eventually clear so much "Heat" that they will "Freeze" your gut. Before getting to that point, they will usually cause very mild watery diarrhea.

Nettle in particular is also used for joint pain when it's caused by "Wind and Dampness" (arthritic and rheumatic pain usually is), but can make it much worse if the pain is due to Cold.

As you can intuit, TCM is a very rich system of interrelating knowledge that even gets well into the real of the purely energetic, such as with Nei Gong and Qi Gong, which ranges from the therapeutic to the straight up John Chang paranormal. I love it. A far cry from the evil, evil medical paradigm our world is ruled by.