> companies like monsanto
Monsanto is not an issue any longer.
> In 2020, Bayer paid off all standing lawsuits against Monsanto and bought it.
After I contained the Monsanto egregore (which was extremely toxic and cancerous in behaviour) it collapsed and was bought up. This killed it. What you're seeing isn't the original thing, the buyer dissected them and incorporated their products with their own line.

I guess it still looks similar and they still have toxic products like RoundUp, but those are mere remnants, the egregore of Bayer is not a problem.

You may want to take a step back and look at another similar situation where earlier Microsoft was the big bad wolf and Bill Gates was an evil mastermind. But in the recent few years Google has proven itself to be the real threat to freedom worldwide. MS actually warned about the spread of this company and what censorship they would be able to exercise, but at the time they were laughed at. Now the former "satanic depopulationist" has ended up being more of a barrier against the real threat. The Monsanto situation is a bit like this.

> Nobody here has enough power to even dent the combined energy of Bayer and every person that company touches
It's not desirable to do so, just as it isn't desirable to attack Allah.

> I thought someone here could do something about it considering some feats that were mentioned here and are quite impressive to me, like turning big egregores into food, I thought monsanto(which now I learned was bought by Bayer) and similar companies could be dealt with in similar ways.
I don't know what Monsanto was, it looked like a lack of something, like the mad cow disease creating holes in people's brains. A standard method could contain its energy, that's all I care about.

Turning karma into food is possible because karma is energy. A lack of energy can't be eaten, it will create starvation. Maybe that was what Monsanto was.