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The Galactic Federation is always presented with an air of spiritual enlightenment and as a saviour fighting against evil. The main outlet of this view is currently at:

This started off as an attempt to physically board an alien ship by some celebrity in the new age community, but the movement is older than so. As far as I know, at the bottom are some texts written in the 1970s by someone who claims to have been contacted by the galactic federation. What's seen online tends to originate with this website above. Though pretty well known 10 years ago, it's now an obscure place, like the imageboards where most of the strong memes are created.

As information trickles down through the online architecture, the messages that reach all the way are those that fit the narratives in the more mainstream social media. That's how we end up with the "love and light" federation offering free energy, vegan food and universal basic income.

My experiences with the federation started off as such, but as I learned more, the image changed. There are many factions, and they create stability and some kind of security. That much is true. Joining the federation is a good idea for most planets. But everyone should be aware that their values are not "democratic" in the sense of the word used down here on Earth. "Rule of the people" or "people's government" are common interpretations, but rather it should be read as "rule via the people". It means that the leaders will use the people to create support for themselves, ruling from the shadows. This is the true meaning of "democracy". Rule by proxy.

The Galactic Federation has a code of conduct, they do not allow extensive environmental destruction. It's simple, you don't want someone destroying value, it's something all materialists can agree on. To maintain values, there are restrictions on bringing technologies and goods into other territories. A new technology can destroy the local market and create instability; poverty, civil unrest and war. This destroys value.

This is one reason Earth will not be given "free energy".

Another thing not mentioned is that the Galfed is ideologically communist. Not some rainbows and smiling children version, but the kind manifested right here on our planet. They just do it better up there, humans are pretty stupid so they created it like this down here. Slave trade and sex trade have large markets in the federation, for one example. There is also a super rich elite. The difference is in their agreed upon code of conduct. If someone was to buy lots of slaves and they are not heard of again, he would be put under investigation. Slaves are registered and treated as a resource. You are not allowed to kill them for no reason. This is the extent of the protection the Galfed will offer. You can compare this to Earth, where people are killed in large numbers in wars, tricked into debt and worked to death, and so on. This is not allowed in the federation. The working class would correctly be recognized as a slave class and each individual registered. Sending conscripts to die in war would not be allowed at the scale seen in modern days. One aspect of creating IDs and surveillance via mobile devices is to achieve a world state where slaves are registered, so that the Earth can qualify for Galactic Federation inclusion.

"You will own nothing, and you will be happy"