To handle this energy you have to crystallize your ego and your soul/body structures or you get seizures or other weird shit as it tries to "flow" into your body. To have the power of the Gods you need the body of the gods. Good thing he created us in his "image". Then as you receive it you need to be able to wield it. And the last and most important. You need to be able to generate it. To receive infinite energy you need to be able to give infinite energy. 0 sum baby. Here comes the cultivation part. I had to realize that the "Opening of the Meridians" is not a simple matter. Yes you open it a little then it closes back then it opens more then it turns out if one of them is a little more open than the other weird shit is happening. Now the weirdest thing was that my dan tien turned black but it was not harmful. That substance was like oil. In my dreams there were many instances when pure white entities traded me things for oil and black chocolate like substances. I realized it's probably because I am turning "karma" into "oil" through the various things I did to awaken my digestion system. Turns out I was partially right. Our dan tien is literally hell. Our 3 Meridians represent the 3 worlds.The lake of fire? Literally stomach acid. The smell of sulfur? Literally found there. Now the problem with hell is not that it's a bad hot place. The problem arises when it's actually not burning. And what makes it burn? Sexual energies... but that is still not enough. You need to combine that sexual energy with higher energies so it turns into the "flames of passion" instead of lust  compassion more like cum-passion . And because the gut is all about breaking down "food" into it's base elements... You are literally gaining elemental mastery with this because the compassion harmonizes your elemental balances and literally every gut bacteria that is there and the entities that live in your dan tien. Boy there are a lot there. It's a complete ecosystem. It's important to keep them balanced. Every exploit and missteps of the prophets can be explained how they managed this balance of high energies. I will write that down in /blog/ sometimes.