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Stealing research and using it seems like a really bad idea. If you didn't create it yourself it can be hard to grasp something, but even worse if you don't sympathize with the creators. At most you can learn how to break down what your enemy created. That's all you can do.

If you try to actually use it against them, you are seriously misunderstanding how egregores function.
"But science is just facts, anyone can use them".
So why do you believe "cultural appropriation" exists as a concept? It may be nonsense when applied very strictly, such as not allowing someone to use cultural artifacts unless they are connected to that tradition by genetics. But it is real in that you cannot "steal" culture and use it for your own benefit, against the true owners of said culture.

If you respect it and use it correctly, you can become just like an original, because our DNA simply contains information. What is in the original race's DNA is not different from what is in your own, if you learn everything correctly. This is touching on an aspect of race theory which triggers some people. It's saying that someone will become the race of the culture they practice. If you learn and live according to the culture of the African, you will become African. If you learn the culture of [insert European/white country] you become that race. In terms of your behaviour and what is then starting to overwrite your previous genetic information, yes, this is what I'm saying.

Respectfully learning another culture, tradition and language will mean that part of you will become that race. Learning it with no respect is "cultural appropriation" and does not change yourself for the better. You become nothing but a petty thief. 

This is why "western" esotericists who stole research from other "western" regions failed to use them successfully. They were disrespectful and meant harm towards the original creators. They are merely imitating something, like a fool making a mockery of someone. That is what they are, jesters, fools.

If you want to learn from others, please respect them.