> elephant

I'm going to write something weird and long which is something that some people probably figured out already but I can't find it written down online and this realization caused me multiple breakthroughs.

The head of the elephant represents both of the sexual organs. Calling an uncut penis as elephant is normal. But calling an uterus as an elephant is not something most people would do.
The elephant represents both of the sexual organs because the trunk of the elephant can suck up fluids then it can shoot/spray it at others or inside it's mouth. Like how the penis shoots out the semen while the vagina "sucks it up" during an orgasm.
Ganesha is the son of Shiva and Parvati. He has multiple origins. In one Parvati creates him to defend herself from Shiva and Shiva cuts off his head and replaces it with an elephant. Male and female connects through the sexual organs to create an offspring.

Now why this interpretation is important. Well you can "explain" your sexual organ that your "head" is the sexual organ of the opposite sex and create that "upward flow of semen".

Now this was the nice symbolic interpretation. Now comes the technical bullshit where I will try my best to put it into human terms.

The way semen retention can work. Well we know there are locks around the chakras that we can manipulate through tensing muscles and mudras. Well... That thing can work only till definite heights. For me first the mudras didn't work at all they they started to work then they worked too well, then if I didn't do them it felt like my soul will leave my body then the way they worked changed and now I reached that point where I have to understand them completely through my mind.
I'm gonna talk about the male reproductive organ because I will probably need 3 more reality breaking cosmic revelations b4 I can tell a female how to stop menstruating for ascension. 
Currently I am starting to realize the details of BO's "botsoul" term. Botsouls have 3 "main" objective. Survive reproduce and "cultivate the earth". The latter is the most complicated so I'm not getting into that. The sexual organ is a "botsoul" too. You need to feel horny and aroused or you would never reproduce and the species would die out. Now here comes the thing. The "modification/customization" of the sexual organ botsoul. These "locks" around it are like tiny needles or spears. First they feel like blg blocks but as you "Unlock them" they get smaller and instead of being energy blockages they become a literal options menu.
The first thing you need to figure out what you want to use your "semen retention" power. Because the sexual organ has multiple gates or "switches" that direct the flow of the energies. The most basic is "Lust". The energies go into your "senses" and you become a pervert. First your gaze becomes so lustful everyone will figure out what you think about. It can get so bad that females instantly react to it subconsciously. Look at butt = female turns around for no reason. There is a stage when your sense of smell becomes so strong that you will be able to discern the smell of female in a room mostly full of males. This still the basics of the animalistic botsoul mechanisms. I realized where these "predatory rapist" thoughts originate and I turned them off. But the "ancestral command" for the reproduction didn't end here. There is an another switch that gets into the realm of psychic powers but "Chads" do it naturally. You can make the sexual organ "emit" the "get horny" signal. The opposite sex suddenly gets way too nice towards you. Your lust commands the lust of others so they can "come together". And before I could make a breakthrough I found the "heat"/"estrus" switch. It turns you and everyone around you into heat. That was only possible because I found the way how I can "restock" my sexual energies with higher energies but still couldn't make my higher energies flow upward/inward. That was the worst and the last "script" of the botsoul.