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What Corona is

It's time to lay out the full image here now, the mundane perspective has been saturated. I think we've already been over most of it, but I'll sum up the basics of the conspiracy theories:
> the vaccine will make you infertile
> it's depopulation to get rid of "useless eaters"
> it's created in a lab
> it contains nanotech

For most of the above, there are many different answers. All of this is a manifestation of the different wills and intents of different factions of mundanes and esotericists. But it comes down to this: What is Corona? Actually what is AIDS and Sars? They're viruses but what is their metaphysical relevance?

All of these are manifestation of the bottom level harmful particles of the negative quality. You could call them karma, but that's not entirely right. When science seeks to exploit the material world, it will only look at created matter from the perspective of exploitation. It does not take into account: Who created matter, for what purpose? Or: are we allowed to exploit it? You may argue that yes, we are allowed to, and yes we discuss this. Science has ethics. To a very small degree it does. There is the engineer's code of honour. A.I. and UX design comes with an ethical discussion.
But where is that discussion when talking about treating illness and "saving lives". What lives are saved? Doesn't everyone die anyway? This idea of "saving lives" is the holy cow of modern medicine, but it's a fake cow. This is a shallow justification thrown in your face to make you shut up when the real ethical consequences of medical science are brought up.