A really annoying topic and I don't even know where to even look up sources anymore. Then I get past of a "mystery" and I lose half my motivation to even write about it.
I mean I realized long ago Feng Shui is all about circulating these energies so bad/evil energies can't get "stuck" and making sure "activity" energies are stored in the best place for that activity. But I am not about "arranging my surroundings so it can arrange my inner workings". But I still have to master my body if I want to use it. Hard to "live" without it.

What was the point I was trying to make again...

Oh right. It seems we are still connected and I am still bad at only "looking" at things without affecting them. I can only notice yin if it screams at me. She hates me for that (sometimes because it took me too much time to notice it). And the worst part different parts of the body have different "yin" and mastering one just opens up the possibility to notice the next so I am never truly "mastering" anything.

I liked that dude in crouching tiger and hidden dragon
> How can masters be real if nothing is real
yeah... it be like that