> even Isis came to visit
This is why I was offered the Osiris path... I will write about that later not important now.

I don't want to argue because I was on this what I accept real is real thinking as long as I am psychic.

The problem that I had to go beyond that "is reality making us or we making reality" thing. The answer is obv both. Brahma needs to stop mindlessly creating and start meditating to realize the confusion.

Currently I have to understand to not "force" "reality" "into submission". It's a dance. Is the dance natural? Controlled? The effect of rigorous training? Is someone forcing the band to play? Who wrote those notes? Why is the band playing the notes? Why are people still sitting? 

I had to understand that everything moves at once and not "force" things. That saying that 
> you must treat magic as science and see what is working
for me it was What I want to work will work if it doesn't work then I don't want it enough to work so I WILL IT MORE THEN IT WORKS. This ruins the human body. You don't force your hand to move when you move it you just move it. There is a natural flow. I can't make the distinction between "robotic" and not robotic entities like that. When I talked to Ra his "sun" broke a large part of my body's shell so I can be more "sensitive". I can't just do the what I want to make real be "real" thing anymore because I must see what is real. You can't make a completely unreal statement. It will contain a semblance of reality no matter what.

I am saying this because so far I am trying to uncover energetic movements that are the "forgotten" traditions territory. What the cults and the ancients did with it doesn't matter the only thing that matters that there is an energy there and what "dance" I need to do to be able to "wield" that energy. It cannot be forceful it needs to be felt. I cannot be the "make it work" psychic anymore. I need to be the "work" itself. And I don't care about "science" because what these cretins are "discovering" nowadays were discovered ages ago and back then they used it to create the most powerful miracles like it was nothing. And everything needs to have an "energetic imprint" to make it "real".

Yesterday I found an akashic place where completely lost traditions reside. The entity governing it told me that I can use that as an inspiration but I am not allowed to "bring anything out" from there. Because that way I will make a connection with a tradition that is not supposed to exist in this world. So even tho someone else came up with the idea I have to treat it like I came up with the idea by myself so I am it's "beginning point". 

And the funniest thing about technology that I can make a device absolutely defunct and to make it work I have to give it to an another person to "turn it on". It's not because of faith anymore. My energetic residue is going through an evolutionary process. It needs to "move on it's own" but in a way that I want it to move. When were you first aware that you can move your limbs? As a child? A baby? A fetus? 

I am making distinction between things differently and I am constantly evolving that. Not to mention I don't make "sacred places" I want to create a place that remains sacred no matter the filth around it. Because it will burn destroy and renew that materia into the clean one... I am still too aggressive... just got scolded for my arrogance again while typing this. *sigh*. Takes time to learn to not step on the toes of your dance partner.