This was like 6 months ago, kind of fuzzy on the technique I used since I just had a whim to try it and did it before bed without much planning. I think I just channeled energy into my etheric/biological body with a "skinwalker" or "naaldlooshii" intent until I felt that I couldn't fit any more in.
The whole working for a living thing has always been a pebble in my shoe and I thought if I could find out what the Indian shapeshifters do I could have the option to live in the wilderness if push comes to shove. Doing that isn't really an aspiration of mine but the fact that my existence as a living being relies so heavily on human society makes me kind of uneasy.
So not really a specific physical change I was trying to make, more like I was trying to 'loosen' my etheric body to make it easier to do.