As long as you are lucid and you can think, you are not fallen. But when you fall, you probably won't be able to think anymore or be lucid. However if you start thinking you are fallen from the guilt of doing stupid and degenerate things and you actually  become rotten like the elites from that, it's just normal. Then you shouldn't have done the things to begin with. I never think that I have fallen, unless I take the vaccine out of my own free will because I can clearly see what it means and what the consequences can be. You have explained it all very well yourself. In general making degenerate choices is not compatible with being enlightened in the long run. Such a being will eventually become a npc-like mundane or just flat out die as you always choose to create and recreate yourself every moment and you can either choose one thing and become it or choose another thing and become that. I'm also sorry that my posts often turn out to be like dogma preachings. Everyone should figure out their own truths by themselves but I hope to provide a little bit of ideas and maybe guidance, and maybe material to discuss and think about.
Now to stay even more on-topic, since I have posted a song let me just post another one. This video is just perfect both lyric and picture-wise and it applies perfectly to our situation now. In fact it may be the best spiritual music video I have ever seen. Just be mindful as the sun means true consciousness or enlightenment here while the "daylight" in the other song means the false consciousness and the mundane, physical illusions. I think everything else should be obvious. I love how in this video it flat-out tells you as it is, "break out from society". I will see myself out now xD.