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thumbnail of Th06Remilia.png
Th06Remilia png
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> We must learn what cultural fragments are influencing us, and perhaps even pick up ancient practices, only to then give them up and shun them after learning them.
Truer words were never spoken, altought sometimes just being aware of them can be enough instead of fully learning them. I guess it depends but you are right regardless.
As for the rest, it looks like you are challenging me to take the vaccine just to prove to myself that I can still be an enlightened immortal even when doing such a thing voluntarely and consciously.   At least one of the vampire bros already took it as he said before on the other board but it appears to me that you want me to take the lesson myself in order to prurify me of dogma. Strange receiving such a challenge from someone who just said that you rather die than taking the vaccine yourself. I wonder if I have the strength to suffer through it, and am I willing to die, become enslaved, go to hell or to "fall" just to enlighten us both. Maybe it would be better for anyone who doesn't believe me to try it out for themselves. I wonder if it's even possible at all to actually take the vaccine for you, or if something inside of you will stop you and make it impossible.