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> Minerva/Athena: The god of military strategy, rather tough and doesn't mind you being straightforward with what you want. Her gong can manifest as an owl, so if you see one around it indicates her protection.
Nice, yeah I feel like I'll have to meet her eventually.

> Odin
> I had a vision of him just the other day, but I worry about working with "King types".
> Freya
I've met her last year, looked like a 10/10 blonde. Seems like she's also a Goddess of war, thats good.

> Shiva
Haven't interacted much but I like him.

> Barbara: The saint of artillerymen, popularized as Megumin (no joke, look into her story, she had her breasts cut off). If you want a blessing to protect yourself from being shot, this is the one to ask, treat her right.

> Mary: Just ask, she doesn't mind.
Hmm, I'll consider it.

> Olga of Kiev
I think I've seen her around a few years ago, I really like how she avenged her husband.

I have no experience with the others or don't really want to, I really want to avoid any tricksters since I'm not properly able to communicate with beings, but Shiva might be needed.