> you can make people realize it
I'm beyond working on those kinds of people. The indoctrinator is for stopping their harmful behaviour, because they only do harm when left alone, and killing them is too much work. It's not about enslaving someone. It's about some retard coming to attack you day after day and you beat him down every time, until you realize this guy needs to be beaten a lot harder or he will never stop. You try that and all he does it complain and then he's back to attacking you after. So the solution is to capture him, starve him and re-educate him using conditioning, if he behaves badly, beat him, if he behaves correctly, give a treat. Then just repeat until it's worn into his brain and he starts behaving when released. At this point I don't care about them realizing anything, they aren't going to. This is about protecting me and those I care about. Those people should preferably be killed as fast as possible, but as I said that is difficult because they are many and entangled into social systems.