Well this was something and it's still not over. 

So a weird feeling overcame my body then sharp metal rods started to emerge from my fingers. Then other movements with a sword. After that my "Other arms" started to do something on their own.
They told me that the size of the sword is just "perspective". Then they asked me to go to my "cosmic body" perspective. Then the sword was as small as my fingertip.
Then one of my body turned into a "Crocodileman" like thing. (I was feeling that this is not just as a visual feeling as usual but a complete transformation with the feeling of crocodile skin and claws "growing" on me)
I know nothing about the Aztec culture but they told me now I am the entity that "devours the sun" and the sacrifice happens so I "spit it out".
Then a feeling that I need to "spit something out" overcame me and I spat out a small sun from my giant crocodile body into my left palm. And from that sun orb I could pull out the sword with my right hand.
Also when I was talking with Shiva about what is going on he had the "dark cosmic" appearance. I didn't see that form before.

Also my skeletal structure just "updated" itself and there is still something going on.

I have no idea what to make from this yet. My brain and my right hand is still trying to "sync" with something