> Do I have to end some shadow issues of mine
> or something

> Do you know if I can command it if I figure out my authority

The simple answer is yes. The long answer is also yes but it will feel like no for a while.

Sadly I cannot give you tips how to handle it because I was aware of my shadow's existence but mostly as the bad/evil "part of me" so it didn't "detach" from me to become a self aware "pestering force". Mostly because whenever that happened I kindly beat the living shit out of anything that it tried to approach as. So it was as hidden as possible. 

Everyone experiences the feeling of authority differently. For some people it's being able to command their pets. For some people to be able to charm the other sex. For others to have an effect over a person or group. For some people to be able to lead organizations. Then there is that authority where people do what you want and the one when they cannot defy your will. Authority is a responsibility too. "Heavy is the head that wears the crown" as the saying goes. The king needs to understand the people better than the people understand themselves.

You need to understand your "shadow". Then you can take it apart purify the faulty parts and reabsorb it's true essence. Not a simple task and the way we experience it differs for everyone. If you figure it out you will become/own the anathema and if they want to hurt you they need to get through your shadow first. 

Can't give you proper instruction manual how to solve it because you need to find an "active approach" that works for you while I need to fix my passively working systems first.
And when you figure it out you will understand yourself far more better