I also realized that the "Goetians" aren't all that easy to talk to when I decided to help a friend make a deal with Baal ze bub. It all sounded easy to me in my head before, but once we came to talk to him it hit me that 
> this is going to be difficult, I can't insult him with some stupid request on behalf of someone who doesn't even understand the seriousness of this all

We ended up asking Astra to compile a document with the items of interest to my friend and present it in the proper fashion so that Baal could handle it like a regular contract in a formal manner. He first asked for 2000 years of servitude in exchange for the contract. This may sound like a lot, but me? I want spiritual guidance to reach all the way up, not based on a time limit so I referred to one of my female astral forms and asked for a marriage contract.

The thing here is that if you just want something material, these guys can give you that, but I feel like that's really a waste of a really good opportunity. I don't think they even gain very much from those servitude contracts, they just do it because business is business.