I wanted to write down this interesting thing about birds too in the previous post but wasn't sure if I should because it sounds kinda dumb.

> my mentality matches that of a bird
Birds have a bunch of majestic traits because they are the "ruler of the skies" but they have 1 weird one too. They love shiny things. It has no value to them but they see it from the skies it glimmers and want it. There is a dimension where "lost items" reside. The netherworld. I like to call it "neither-world". It's usually a dimension between dimensions. Some items go there because dumb reasons and entities can get stuff for you. Bird entities have a tendency to get stuff out from there. I was "reactivating" a leyline nearby a road and random stuff started to appear. Old coins and nails mostly and it was especially weird because there was a coin that is not in circulation for 90 years and there was no way someone just "dropped it there". Very few people walk there usually.

That plane is great because lost items usually have no owners and taking stuff out from there is more easy than actually "creating" something. The only value of these coins is that they are really easy to use in rituals because they "went between realms" already. Keeping stuff from there is "risky". You can only keep it if it's "meant for you". For useless greed it's not advisable because it just creates a "hole in reality" and it has a high probability that other stuff of yours will go missing that way.

A bunch of begging/vow of poverty sects utilize that realm without realizing. Entities give them stuff for their path but they need to spend that usually that day so it doesn't mess with their energetic development.

> cutting open my belly and putting this dark stone orb with golden inlays into it
Solar Plexus is the "city of jewels". I have seen that city and it's truly beautiful.(Didn't know that it was that back then. I just got a warning from my "daughter" that the realm is in danger and slayed a bunch of shadow entities there). Solar Plexus represents many things but most importantly power and wealth. This is why monks usually abandon money because money "represents power" but it's not power itself. It's funny when it gets developed because these "representations of power" love to bask in the light of real power.

> finally realize how worthless money is
> suddenly you get money from everywhere 
Really loving when "reality" decides to do this. Wealth is earth element and greed is when it starts to "clog" the movement of your other energies. Birds rule the skies but on the earth they are vulnerable to predators. But the earth has most things they need.  I didn't realize how fucked up my lust is until I started to work with my water element. Always want to write about it but I realize I should meditate and not blogpost about spiritually "well known" things.