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So I finished Kreiters last book. I only read it because I was curious where his stuff leads up to and wanted to see the conclusion to his trilogy. It's most likely the last book on spiritual topics I ever read, as I am tired of reading other peoples stuff which is mostly dogma and all the same anyway. I even deleted my entire pdf library a long time ago and I feel compelled to throw away all my physical copies and never read again. Kreiters endgame is basically nothing new to us. The unification of the energy body with the physical body or making the physical body like the energy body. And before that it's basically having OBEs as Robert Bruce teaches them in "Astral Dynamics". I feel like I'm running in circles for a long time now. Blood Anon also claimed that upon becoming undead or immortal your soul merges with your physical body and it becomes projected here. Not only that but we even did the spear session where you actually merge your astral body with your physical body. I'm confused and annoyed, as if I'm not getting something that I should have gotten a long time ago already. Mostly because I do not feel any effects of having achieved much and I'm still not lucid. I don't know how advanced I am and what I have achieved anymore, and I especially don't know if I'm immortal already or not. But at the same time I do not believe that BO is lying or roleplaying only, and I have personally had some experience that aligns with what he has said through dreams and visions. And yet I am still trapped by a wall of ignorance.
At any rate, there is nothing more to read and nothing more to learn here in the physical. It's all the same beginner stuff. I need to find a conclusion inside myself and achieve something real.