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It seems only very few people are able to have clear and direct experiences and the ability to use it in a scientific manner. It's not like it was easy getting there, I'm not making it up when I'm saying it's been 25 years since my first attempt at anything like this. I built a divination table from only wood, going by what my grandma had told me. They had one such table that used to work sometime in the 1940s but someone painted it and after that it stopped working. They also can't contain any metal.
The model is a three legged round table, it would be possessed by a spirit who could answer yes/no and give numbers by raising a leg. At one occasion it was said to have "danced" away through the room. Pic related but raw wood.

I can't tell you where to start if you want to reach this real scientific trial and error level of practice. But it is possible. It has been done earlier in the 1900s under the roof of conventional research, such as having people transmit messages over telepathy. What we're doing is essentially the same thing, but in a more organized manner as we have the temple here as an egregore as well. This is already beyond what science can understand.

It's been proven time and again that we are able to see the same things, and transmit artifacts with no physical communication. I personally always apply the "blind" method during channelling where I ask the channeller to talk in general about a topic, to see if the message given by the spirit matches the notion I had, but didn't say.
Most of the time they are able to answer the question I never spoke out loud, in detail.

As I started off saying I can't tell anyone where to begin, but I think the early 1900s spiritualist practices did have some decent methodologies worth looking at. At some point you will have to decide that 
> this is where I want to make the leap
but it has to be your choice to trust your own intuition at that moment. Once affirmed once, your confidence will increase.