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I wanted to kinda bring this up sometimes but didn't know how to.
"Prometheus duty"
When you "introduce" something into a "reality" which breaks it they appoint/punish you to "manage it"

Usually when you try to introduce "foreign technology" it usually gets rejected by society or you constantly get into hurdles and even if you make the technology nobody cares and it gets forgotten. Now if you are a persistent motherfucker and introduce it no matter what then they might notice you and try to get rid of you either with a warning or worse. Then if you still succeed then you are "Punished" to "clean up" after the turmoil you caused (or if you are unable to clean up you get a "punishment" that pays the "cleaners".)

But if you completely understand the technological developments of a civilization and all the cosmic "rules" they might just appoint you as a manager and you get your "own timeline".
Which has a problem if it "diverges too much from other timelines" you end up in a "dead end timeline". I have seen some "examples". Trying to not think about them.

What I want to say here
 When I heard the tale of Prometheus I thought the gods were mean to him because fire is just an obvious thing that happens in nature on it's own. I was wrong. Now I know how that "fire" sped up the evolutionary process and how things went awry. "Prometheus" got a very "lenient" punishment 

I am not saying that "we can't do anything" because that is false. It's just. With great power...comes great... (responsibility is not even a good enough expression here)
Can't say more than this. This isn't about "morality". This is about "mechanisms" that I am still understanding.