Ever since I woke up I am thinking about this post. I know some "timeline manipulation" ways already but not really caring about it now because I have other things to fix first but... I sorta want to talk about this.
The dreams I had with different timelines in the past were about events that related to me or my actions. So when I thought that I made the "wrong decision" (it was a sort of choosing the lesser evil kind of thing but made me think that I could've done better) in the past sometimes I got a dream which showed me what would've happened if I did things the way "I wanted to happen". It usually showed me that things would have been worse and my choice was the "right one".

Now why this is important. I have a sort of "seeing the possibilities" of the future so I can "steer" the events of the future already. Currently I am noticing that my energies "leave" and go into a place that I am "trying to look at" on their own so they can "help me".

Now the thing is. In my dream. It turns out "communism" didn't happen or if it "happened" it wasn't this fucking bad as it was in this timeline. I am asking because I sure did not have a "reason" to "go there". Which means that a "timeline" with interesting differences are "close" to our current timeline. I wonder if it's a "coincidence" or it's related to
> aiming at rewriting the events themselves
What are you trying to "rewrite". I know you don't want to say it exactly because secrecy with these kind of things are important but still... This is bugging me. Just how many things are you trying to rewrite. A century a millennia the whole course of human history? There are too many events that "change" all the time. You just become important enough and "interpret it" differently. 
So hard to word what I want to ask... What did you "rewrite" in general so far?