I always found the origin of the word "robot" interesting. In slavic languages it usually meant serf-work or "forced-labor" in a way or an another.

> Tarta-ria
k I looked into this only now because the "Tatars" are our "fellow steppeniggers". We have a history with them. They are the main reason my country became "castle sexual". Bunch of medieval fantasy movies are being made here for a reason.
While this gets into the Qnigger conspiracy theory territory it seems (as the wikipage said... I sure love how Qfags made conspiracy theorists look even more dumb and retarded. As if being called a conspiracy theorist wasn't bad enough already)
"Tartaria" is a weird ass zone. China was technologically advanced in the ancient times but their super centralization made them unable to properly advance their technologies. While the Khannates had a close connection with Tibet at all times. The only reason Tibet stayed independent because all the "spiritual support" they gave the Khans. Back then Tibet knew how to play their cards right. Turning that place into a "tourist attraction" was not the smartest idea. But then again I am not big on central-asia politics. (When they start involving the USA they usually ruin centuries worth of political maneuverings)

What I want to say is... While we think that Khannates are just a bunch of mongols. Those places were spiritually and technologically diverse. Reaching the "technology realm" in regions with a proper spirituality is not impossible. But the problem is ofc that these regions had a tendency for constant backstabbing and getting rid of several hundred years history all the time. 
The main reason why I can believe this thing because Himmler went into Tibet for a reason. And german engineering skyrocketed under Hitler (way too literally). And WW1/2 caused too much destruction in this area. Not to mention soviets had a tendency for grabbing all technology and bringing it "home". Soviet/russian engineers are a whole new breed of genius (their usual problem is that they sometimes fuck up the "not getting into politics part" and go missing.)

> Hitler didn't die
His remains were never found so he is allowed to be anywhere. Not to mention Nazis on the moon is a trope already. They "sorta" had the tech to do that.

> feels kinda comfy?
I have this feeling for a while. I am glad I am not alone.